In animistic religions, the people believe that spirits inhabit animals, trees, rocks, and many other things, thus those objects become sacred. The lake at Sabou houses around 100 crocodiles of varying sizes and the men who tend to the crocodiles can call them up out of the lake so that the tourists can see them and touch them. Every so often, the villages make sacrifices to the crocodiles (and the spirits) to keep them happy. This keeps the spirits close enough to protect the village, but also far enough away that the villagers haven't brought the wrath of the spirit on their village.
There is always a balance in animism on having a relationship with a god to provide protection, but not having an intimate relationship with a god. Their gods are always distant (in relationship), not close, and always wrathful, never loving or gentle. They live in constant fear of their god, never at peace.
Because animisim has such a powerful traditional hold here, these practices often get mixed with other religions. It can be difficult to get people to understand how those traditions are not fruitful and that there is a way that is better. Please pray for strongholds to be broken and for animists to move from the bondage of fear into the peace that comes from trusting in Christ alone.
Why are you so close to these creatures:) Love you!