Friday, August 14, 2009

Training--Week #3

First of all let me say that I can't believe I am already finished with week three of training. It has gone by very quickly in lots of ways. I am almost halfway finished. Thank goodness!

This week we have focused primarily on worldviews where we will be going and church planting methods. We looked at the model in scripture first and then looked at how that model can be fleshed out in different ways around the world in a variety of settings using many different tools. I am amazed at how God is working among people groups all over the world using so many different talents and gifts. The diversity of the way that He works is amazing.

At the same time, thinking about learning someone's worldview and trying to share the gospel with them in a way that is meaningful to them culturally and is Biblically grounded in their language is overwhelming to comprehend. I have been left thinking at various times this week, "Lord, this is an impossible task. How can I do this well and not mess everything up?"

The answer that I got back was, "It is an impossible task...for you. It is not impossible for me." I was reminded of the story of the rich young ruler in Matt 19:16-30. Salvation is an impossible task for any of us, but it is not an impossible task for God. He alone is able to bring life to the sinners heart and change him. The task seems very overwhelming, and in fact, it is overwhelming, but I cling to the fact that God is able and that is where I take my stand.

How comforting it is to know that it's not up to me. Although I need to do my best to be culturally relevant and to present the gospel as clearly as I can in the people's heart language, ultimately I rest in the fact that God has bought for Himself people from every tribe, every language, and every nation on earth and one day we will all worship HIM around the throne. Thank you God that YOU have done it!

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